Floating Solar Installation
Solar power plants usually use more land when compared to conventional power plants and scaling up these installations requires a large area of land, which becomes challenging going further. One alternative for this is installing solar power plants on water bodies typically ponds, lakes, reservoirs, etc., this is referred to as Floating solar power plants or Floatovoltaics.
According to a report published by TERI, India has about 18,000 km2 of water surface area in the medium and large scale reservoirs and has the potential of 280GW solar power plant capacity utilizing the same, which is almost twice the target set under the national solar mission.
Many private industries such as cement, steel etc., have natural or manmade reservoirs to cater the industrial water requirements and setting up floating solar power plants on those will have several benefits including the reduction in water evaporation.

- No land occupancy: One of the main advantages of floating PV plants is that they do not require any land, except the limited surfaces necessary for electric cabinet and grid connections.
- Installation and decommissioning: Floating PV plants are more compact than ground mount or rooftop solar power plants, their management is simpler and their construction and decommissioning easier.
- Water saving and water quality: The partial coverage of water bodies can reduce the water evaporation, which is especially useful in reservoirs being used for Industrial or irrigational needs.
- Higher Generation: As the ambient temperature at waterbody is generally lower than the ambient temperature on ground and wind speed tends to be higher over open water surfaces, it creates an evaporative cooling effect. This effect results in lower operating temperatures of the PV cell, which in turn improves the energy yield of solar power plant.
We at LuxAmp Solutions offer end-end turnkey solutions for floating solar power plants including:
- Bathymetry survey of reservoirs.
- Designing & Detailed Engineering of floating solar power plants (Including CFD Analysis).
- Manufacture, Supply & Installation of Float Boards.
- Design, supply & Installation of Anchoring & Mooring system.
- Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) of complete floating solar power plant including Operation & Maintenance (O&M).